Pubg mobile Andy character

The PUBG mobile 0.18.0 update is introducing a male character named as Andy. 
Andy is a magician and a puppetteer However his career ended due to an accident. To take revenge he became master of guns and he will be testing his skill in combat. The Andy character is just like other characters. He will be available in Evoground mode
except for TDM mode. 
His ability is to increase the speed  of drawing and holstering guns. 
The speed of drawing and holstering can be increased and the emotes can be gained by leveling up The character to level 10.the dresses can ne gain in same has its unique sound of speaking. 
On June 2 PUBG Mobile will release the character Andy on the same date 
Some exclusive event will also starts by which the players will collect character vouchers. 
Like other character Andy will be also can be purchased by 1200 UC or 1200 Character vouchers
Andy character will be available in the game switch this character for better experience

PUBG Mobile introducing new character Andy